Inspired by the animated character from Disney's Tangled, this vibrant and...
Mattel Rapunzel Singing Doll, Tangled ár/ismertető
Mattel Rapunzel Singing Doll, Tangled ár: 24 000Ft. Inspired by the animated character from Disney's Tangled, this vibrant and creative Rapunzel doll is ready for adventure! Fans will love to join in as Rapunzel doll sings her signature song in English, 'When Will My Life Begin?' Wearing her classic purple outfit, this Rapunzel doll sings with one press of a button. Kids can re-create their favourite movie moments or make up their own Rapunzel stories.
- Inspired by the animated character in the popular Disney movie Tangled (2010), this Rapunzel doll is ready for her best day ever!
- Kids can press Rapunzel doll's pink bow and join in as she sings a 30-second clip from her signature song from the film, in English: 'When Will My Life Begin?'
- Posable Rapunzel doll wears her signature outfit with removable soft skirt and has long, brushable hair for styling fun
- Makes a perfect gift for kids to play out their favourite movie moments or make up their own stories about Rapunzel
- Please note: doll cannot stand alone. Colours and decorations may vary.
- Created by Mattel
- Doll: H28 x W7.5 x D5cm approx.
- Made from plastic
- Requires x3 AG13 batteries, included